
PACE is proud to connect aged care and community care providers with procurement channels that unlock additional discounts through group buying power.

Any aged care and community care organisation can access the PACE Care preferred supplier listing, which comprises of vendors who have expressed an interest in being a supplier of choice to providers and offer genuine competitive price discounts on their products and services.

Click here to view our list of preferred suppliers.

Marketboomer Purchase Plus

PACE is proud to enjoy a partnership with leading procurement software company Marketboomer, which provides cloud-based purchasing, invoicing and insights software solutions.

Marketboomer can offer all service providers who access the PACE Care Procurement Portal an initial 90 day trial to evaluate the value and benefits that can be achieved through its online purchasing solution, Purchase Plus.

Providers can then decide whether they wish to continue using the service and may wish to subscribe on a monthly or annual basis.

Click here to find out more about the Purchase Plus service.

Contact PACE Care today to discuss the benefits of utilising the PACE Care Procurement Portal.

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